Brunei Scott#:A1-A10 SG#:1-10 mint Set of 10
Brunei Scott#:A1-A10 SG#:1-10 mint Set of 10
Brunei Scott#:1-11 SG#:11-22 mint Set of 12
Brunei Scott#:5 SG#:15 mint
Ceylon Scott#:102 SG#:162 mint
Ceylon Scott#:292a var SG#:387fa nh Apostrophe flaw inscription block o 8
Ceylon Scott#:O19-24 SG#:O22-27 mint
Hong Kong Scott#:10 SG#:9 mint
Hong Kong Scott#:37 SG#:56 mint
Hong Kong Scott#:38 SG#:34 nh
Hong Kong Scott#:47 SG#:39 mint Yellowish green
Hong Kong Scott#:67 SG#:F11 mint
Hong Kong Scott#:84 SG#:75 mint
Hong Kong Scott#:98 SG#:96 mint Chalky paper
Hong Kong Scott#:145 SG#:131 mint
India Scott#:36-46 SG#:84/111 mint Set of 11
India Scott#:36, var SG#:84, 85 mint Deep blue-green, blue-green shades
India Scott#:48 SG#:103 mint Yellow-green
India Scott#:49a SG#:105 mint Green & rose
India Scott#:49a SG#:105 mint Green & rose
India Scott#:49a SG#:105 mint Green & rose
India Scott#:49a SG#:105 mint Green & rose
India Scott#:50-52 SG#:107/09 mint f+
India Scott#:55-59 SG#:112-18 mint Set of 5
India Scott#:66 var SG#:130 mint Olive-brown
India Scott#:71 SG#:138 mint Rose-red & yellow-brown
India Scott#:71 SG#:138 mint Rose-red & yellow-brown
India Scott#:71 var SG#:139 mint f+ Carmine & yellow-brown. Centered left
India Scott#:71 var SG#:139 mint f+ Carmine & yellow-brown. Centered right
India Scott#:73 SG#:142 mint f+ Ultramarine & deep lilac
India Scott#:73 var SG#:143 mint Ultramarine & violet
India Scott#:74 SG#:144 mint
India Scott#:75 SG#:146 mint
India Scott#:75 SG#:146 mint
India Scott#:80, var SG#:154, a nh """Rs"" flaw in pair"
India Scott#:80, var SG#:154, a mint """Rs"" flaw in top margin pair"
India Scott#:101 var SG#:164 mint Grey-brown
India Scott#:101, var SG#:163, 4 mint Chocolate, grey-brown
India Scott#:93 SG#:185 nh Red-brown & deep blue-green
India Scott#:93 var SG#:186 mint Brown & green
India Scott#:93 var SG#:186a nh Orange-brown & deep turquoise-green
India Scott#:118 var SG#:212w nh f+ Wmk inverted
India Scott#:118 var SG#:212w mint Wmk inverted
India Scott#:O37-O44 SG#:O54-O65 mint Set of 8
India Scott#:O43 var SG#:O63 mint Purple
India Scott#:O47 SG#:O68 mint f+
Labuan Scott#:34 SG#:40 mint
Labuan Scott#:35 SG#:41 mint Violet
Labuan Scott#:36 SG#:43 mint Brown
Labuan Scott#:39 SG#:47 mint Ochre