New Zealand Scott#:42 SG#:128 mint f P. 10 x 12½. No gum
New Zealand Scott#:63a var SG#:221e mint f+ Sepia 'DODGSHUN'S Tweed' advert on pale orange-yellow
New Zealand Scott#:68 var SG#:220 mint P. 10. Blue
New Zealand Scott#:68 var SG#:220 mint f+ P. 10 x 11. Ultramarine
New Zealand Scott#:68 var SG#:220e mint Brown-purple 'TRUEBRIDGE, MILLER & REICH' advert on pale orange-yellow
New Zealand Scott#:70-83 SG#:246-59 mint vf-f Clean set, 14 values
New Zealand Scott#:70, b, c SG#:246, b, c nh The three listed shades: purple-brown, purple-slate, and purple-black
New Zealand Scott#:70b SG#:246 mint Purple-brown
New Zealand Scott#:71 SG#:247 nh Blue and yellow-brown
New Zealand Scott#:71 SG#:248b mint Rosy lake
New Zealand Scott#:73 SG#:249a mint 'WAKITIPU'. Blue
New Zealand Scott#:73 SG#:249a mint 'WAKITIPU'. Blue
New Zealand Scott#:73 SG#:249a mint 'WAKITIPU'. Blue
New Zealand Scott#:73a SG#:249 mint 'WAKITIPU'. Sky-blue
New Zealand Scott#:73a SG#:249 mint 'WAKITIPU'. Sky-blue
New Zealand Scott#:74 SG#:250 mint 'WAKATIPU'
New Zealand Scott#:75 SG#:251 mint
New Zealand Scott#:76b SG#:252a mint Lake-rose
New Zealand Scott#:77a SG#:253 mint Sepia
New Zealand Scott#:78 SG#:254 mint
New Zealand Scott#:78 SG#:254 mint
New Zealand Scott#:79b SG#:255a nh Prussian blue
New Zealand Scott#:79b SG#:255a mint Prussian blue
New Zealand Scott#:82 SG#:258 mint
New Zealand Scott#:82 SG#:258 mint
New Zealand Scott#:85 SG#:274a mint Rose-red
New Zealand Scott#:85 SG#:274 mint f+ Off center
New Zealand Scott#:86 SG#:272 mint
New Zealand Scott#:86C SG#:271 mint
New Zealand Scott#:89 SG#:261 mint Yellow-brown
New Zealand Scott#:93 SG#:265 mint Pale rose
New Zealand Scott#:96 SG#:268a mint f+ Dull orange-red. Disturbed og
New Zealand Scott#:97 SG#:269 mint f Blue-green
New Zealand Scott#:97 SG#:269b mint Grey-green
New Zealand Scott#:98 SG#:270 mint Vermilion
New Zealand Scott#:103 var SG#:352b nh Block of 15 (will break). Thin, hard 'Cowan' paper, new Waterlow plates
New Zealand Scott#:108 var SG#:349 nh nh, lh Royle 'dot' plate, strip of 3, middle stamp lh
New Zealand Scott#:107 var SG#:304b mint f-vf P. 11 x 14
New Zealand Scott#:109 SG#:318 nh
New Zealand Scott#:109 SG#:318 mint
New Zealand Scott#:110 SG#:320 mint
New Zealand Scott#:112 SG#:321 mint
New Zealand Scott#:112 var SG#:321c var mint f-vf Wmk inverted
New Zealand Scott#:114a SG#:323 mint Black-brown, p. 14
New Zealand Scott#:114 var SG#:323a var mint f+ Red-brown. Wmk reversed, disturbed og
New Zealand Scott#:115 var SG#:324 var mint f-vf Wmk inverted
New Zealand Scott#:116 SG#:325 mint
New Zealand Scott#:117 SG#:326 mint P. 14
New Zealand Scott#:117 var SG#:314 mint P. 11
New Zealand Scott#:118 SG#:315a mint f+ P. 11, bright red, watermark reversed. Small hinge remnant