Jordan Scott#:158-68 SG#:172-82 mint Set of 11
Jordan Scott#:158-68 SG#:172-82 mint Set of 11
Jordan Scott#:169-84 SG#:194b/207 mint Set of 16. P. 14
Jordan Scott#:169-84 SG#:194b-207 mint Set of 16. P. 14
Jordan Scott#:169a/178a SG#:194bc/201a mint P. 13½ x 13, the eight 1939 values complete - rarely offered
Jordan Scott#:169a SG#:194bc mint P. 13½ x 13, 1939 ptg.
Jordan Scott#:169a SG#:194bc mint P. 13½ x 13, 1939 ptg.
Jordan Scott#:172a SG#:196ab mint P. 13½ x 13, 1939 ptg.
Jordan Scott#:174a SG#:197ab mint P. 13½ x 13, 1939 ptg.
Jordan Scott#:175a, 77a SG#:198a, 200a mint P. 13½ x 14, the 1936 coils
Jordan Scott#:175a SG#:198a mint P. 13½ x 14, the 1936 coil
Jordan Scott#:175b SG#:198b mint P. 13½ x 13, 1939 ptg.
Jordan Scott#:177b SG#:200b mint P. 13½ x 13, 1939 ptg.
Jordan Scott#:177b SG#:200b mint P. 13½ x 13, 1939 ptg.
Jordan Scott#:178a SG#:201a mint P. 13½ x 13, 1939 ptg.
Jordan Scott#:185-98 SG#:208-21 mint 1095 copies sold of the £
Jordan Scott#:185-196 SG#:208/219 mint Short set of 12 to 200m.
Jordan Scott#:191 SG#:214 nh
Jordan Scott#:195 SG#:218 nh
Jordan Scott#:199-206 SG#:222-29 mint Set of 8
Jordan Scott#:199-206 SG#:222-29 mint Set of 8
Jordan Scott#:207-20 SG#:230-43 nh Set of 14. (1943 issues only)
Jordan Scott#:207-20 SG#:230-43 mint Set of 14. (1943 issues only)
Jordan Scott#:B1-B12 SG#:183-194 mint Set of 12. 2694 (number sold of 500m.) sets possible
Jordan Scott#:B1-B10 SG#:183-92 mint vf-f Short set of 10 to 100m.
Jordan Scott#:B4 SG#:186 mint f+
Jordan Scott#:B4 SG#:186 mint f+
Jordan Scott#:B9 SG#:191 mint
Jordan Scott#:B9 SG#:191 mint
Jordan Scott#:B9 SG#:191 mint
Jordan Scott#:B10 SG#:192 mint
Jordan Scott#:B10 SG#:192 mint f+ Hinge remnant
Jordan Scott#:B10 SG#:192 mint f+ Hinge remnant
Jordan Scott#:B11 SG#:193 mint f+ Centered low
Jordan Scott#:J1 SG#:D116 mint f
Jordan Scott#:J1 SG#:D116 mint f+ Hinge remnant. Right margin copy, perfs shifted 1.5 mm (narrower)
Jordan Scott#:J2 SG#:D112 nh
Jordan Scott#:J2 var SG#:D112a mint 'Due' inverted
Jordan Scott#:J3 SG#:D113 nh
Jordan Scott#:J3 SG#:D113 mint
Jordan Scott#:J4 SG#:D114 mint vf-f
Jordan Scott#:J4 SG#:D114 mint vf-f Hinge remnant
Jordan Scott#:J5 SG#:D115 nh
Jordan Scott#:J5 SG#:D115 mint vf-f Hinge remnant
Jordan Scott#:J6-J11 SG#:D117/22 mint Set of 6
Jordan Scott#:J6-J11 SG#:D117/22 mint Set of 6
Jordan Scott#:J6-J11 SG#:D117/22 mint Set of 6
Jordan Scott#:J9 SG#:D120 mint
Jordan Scott#:J12-J17 SG#:D159-64 nh Set of 6
Jordan Scott#:J12-J17 SG#:D159-64 mint Set of 6