Ceylon Scott#:96 SG#:155 mint Slate
Ceylon Scott#:98 SG#:157 mint
Ceylon Scott#:102 SG#:162 mint
Ceylon Scott#:105 SG#:165 mint
Ceylon Scott#:105 SG#:165 mint
Ceylon Scott#:106 SG#:166 mint Slate
Ceylon Scott#:107 SG#:167 mint Slate
Ceylon Scott#:107 SG#:167 nh Block of 4, Plate No. 1. Vertical perfs telescoped
Ceylon Scott#:107 var SG#:167a mint Dark grey
Ceylon Scott#:108 SG#:168 mint
Ceylon Scott#:108 SG#:168 mint
Ceylon Scott#:108 SG#:168 mint f-vf Slight offset
Ceylon Scott#:108 SG#:168 nh f-vf Marginal block of 4. Moderate horizontal crease across top pair
Ceylon Scott#:109 SG#:169 mint
Ceylon Scott#:109 SG#:169 mint
Ceylon Scott#:109 SG#:169 nh Block of 4, Plate No. 1
Ceylon Scott#:109 SG#:169 nh f+ Small printer's ink spot on back - not visible on face
Ceylon Scott#:110 SG#:170 mint
Ceylon Scott#:110 SG#:170 nh f-vf Block of 4. Top right stamp lh
Ceylon Scott#:114 SG#:174 mint
Ceylon Scott#:115 SG#:176 mint f-vf Hinge remnant
Ceylon Scott#:115 SG#:176 mint f+ Part og
Ceylon Scott#:(116) SG#:(177) mint "SG: "". . . previously catalogued are now known to be forgeries."" Still, a difficult spacefiller to find"
Ceylon Scott#:117 SG#:178 mint
Ceylon Scott#:117 SG#:178 mint
Ceylon Scott#:117 SG#:178 nh f-vf Centered to right
Ceylon Scott#:117 SG#:178 nh f+ Centered to lower right
Ceylon Scott#:118 SG#:179 mint
Ceylon Scott#:122 SG#:185 mint
Ceylon Scott#:122 SG#:185 mint f-vf Part og
Ceylon Scott#:122 SG#:185 nh f-vf Centered to bottom
Ceylon Scott#:123 SG#:186 mint
Ceylon Scott#:123 SG#:186 mint f-vf Hinge remnant
Ceylon Scott#:124 SG#:187 mint
Ceylon Scott#:124 SG#:187 nh f+ Centered to top left
Ceylon Scott#:125 SG#:188 nh
Ceylon Scott#:125 SG#:188 nh f+ Lower right corner block of 4 with current no. '8', stamps nh, light overall tropicalization
Ceylon Scott#:128 SG#:191 mint
Ceylon Scott#:129 SG#:192 mint
Ceylon Scott#:129 SG#:192 mint f
Ceylon Scott#:131 SG#:195 nh
Ceylon Scott#:131 SG#:195 nh
Ceylon Scott#:132-41 SG#:196/262 nh Set of 10. 25c. (cat. £7) vlh. Price reduced $25 for the inconvenience
Ceylon Scott#:132-41 SG#:196/262 mint Set of 10. Complete by Scott's
Ceylon Scott#:132-41 SG#:196/262 mint Set of 10. Complete by Scott's
Ceylon Scott#:132 SG#:245 nh
Ceylon Scott#:133 SG#:257 nh
Ceylon Scott#:134 SG#:259 nh
Ceylon Scott#:135 SG#:260 nh
Ceylon Scott#:135 SG#:260 nh